IASC 25 years | Page 60

2.9 Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW)History and Changes Over Time Kristján Kristjánsson Reviewers: Odd Rogne and Volker Rachold Reykjavik (Iceland 2004), Kunming (China 2005), Potsdam (Germany 2006), Hanover (USA 2007), Syktykvar (Russia 2008), Bergen (Norway 2009), Nuuk (Greenland 2010), Seoul (Republic of Korea 2011), Montreal (Canada 2012), Kraków (Poland 2013) and Helsinki (Finland 2014). From the outset, the central purpose of ASSW has been to provide opportunities for international co- The first Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW), orga- ordination, collaboration and cooperation in all areas nized by IASC was held in Tromsø, Norway in 1999. of Arctic science. Furthermore, ASSW has served as It was the former Secretary of IASC, Odd Rogne, an arena for host countries to offer an insight into who proposed the idea of organizing an event that their own Arctic research. In the original IASC hand- would bring together Arctic researchers and Arctic book it was stated that IASC should “….achieve its partner organizations. During the years leading up mission and provide additional value by: providing to the formation of the ASSW, several Arctic orga- a forum in which other arctic science organizations nizations existed; however, there was little or no may join in such effort.” It can be stated, without a formal collaboration between them. A few members doubt, that IASC has effectively accomplished this within the organization tried to coordinate informal through partnering with other organizations to agreements to attend meetings held by each oth- create ASSW. Starting with a few organizations in er´s organizations; however, this proved to be diffi- Norway in 1999, the ASSW continued to attract cult to execute. Factors such as travel expenses and more groups. Today, the membership of the ASSW long distances between meeting locations imped- International Coordination Group (ICG) includes ed attendance. As a solution, Odd Rogne decided to IASC, the EPB, PAG, FARO, the University of the Arc- invite a few Arctic organizations to hold their annual tic (UArctic) and the Ny-Ålesund Science Managers meetings during the same week and in one location. Committee (NySMAC) all which routinely hold their The IASC Executive Committee took to this sugges- annua