IASC 25 years | Page 58

2.8 IASC and Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) by Odd Rogne and Volker Rachold Reviewer: David Hik vember 2006 in Potsdam, Germany. All participants agreed on the need for improved observing and data management and the timeliness of taking a joint initiative. They further agreed to promote this idea and initiative through their organizations and networks. In January 2007 an informal SAON Initiating Group The goal of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Net- (IG), consisting primarily of representatives from works (SAON) initiative is to enhance Arctic-wide several international Arctic organizations, came to- observing activities by facilitating partnerships and gether and agreed that SAON should have the pur- synergies among existing observing and data net- pose to support and strengthen the development works, and promoting sharing and synthesis of data of multinational engagement for sustained and and information. coordinated pan-Arctic observing and data sharing systems that serve societal needs, particularly re- The 2004 Framework for the International Polar lated to environmental, social, economic and cultural Year (IPY) called for a legacy of sustained Arctic issues. Odd Rogne served as the Secretary for the observing, and the following year a new initiative SAON IG which had members from 13 international sponsored by the Arctic Council (known as COMAAR organizations representing the Arctic Council, Arctic - Coordination of Observation and Monitoring in the residents, the Arctic research community and oper- Arctic for Assessment and Research) was devel- ational and funding agencies. During ASSW 2007 in oped as a proposal for IPY. Although this effort was New Hampshire the IPY program offices from Swe- not successful, the Arctic Council recognized that it den and Canada agreed to host the first two SAON should provide leadership for these initiatives and workshops, and with these commitments in place included in its Salekhard Declaration (2006) the re- the SAON IG was able to begin its work in earnest. quest to Arctic states and partners to work towards Three international workshops (Stockholm, Edmon- such a capability. ton, Helsinki) and two regional meetings (St. Petersburg, Incheon) were held during 2007 and 2008, This need for improving Arctic observing and data with participation from more than 350 representa- management was informally discussed between tives of the science community, operational agen- the IPY International Programme Office, IASC and cies and indigenous peoples. The SAON IG submit- Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme ted a final report in December 2008 recommending (AMAP) – representing the Arctic Council (AC) in No- that the Arctic Council, in collaboration with IASC Participants of the first workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) in Stockholm, Sweden, November 2007. Photo: IASC Secretariat 57 00 02 IASC Initiatives 06 Appendices