How to Play Billionaire for Fun or $1,000+ Profit | Page 10

COMPENSATION/REVENUES A company’s income is the amount of money it collects from the Paymaster/Treasurer each month as a referral fee from the game bank. On each designated payday, participants will receive a disbursement of U.S. dollars equal to the amount earned in the KASH contract. CREDIT RATING This number reflects an evaluation of the company’s performance over time. BANKRUPTCY This occurs at the regularly scheduled eliminations. Failure to meet your KA$H obligations MAY result in bankruptcy. The companies will be identified, evaluated, and found to bankrupt. They are excused from the game by being told that “Your company has gone under!” Company may continue to participate in a limited manner, but is not eligible for the end of game “Contract/Bonus”. RETIREMENT Special offers are made during each game season related to post bankrupt lifestyle. LIFE CHALLENGE This program can help you start, develop, and/or finance your real business within 30 days or less. Register for a game today at my online office [email protected]. Get in the Game Get your Head in the Game Stay in the Game Get on Top of the Game. What Game? THE GAME OF LIFE 10 [email protected]