Hot Kouture Magazine - Issue 2 | Page 36

How to Get Press Coverage After putting in long hours creating your product the only thing on your mind is getting the press coverage you think you deserve. Every day it’s like a war zone trying to get the top publications, editors and bloggers to check out your work and feature it in your favorite magazines or blogs. Getting press coverage is not something that happens overnight and it’s really important to realize that as you are building and growing your brand. So you’re ready to know how to get press coverage, first thing to do is realize “Traditional is out the door.” No longer does a Publicist just sit behind a desk and pitch stories all day. As a fashion publicist we must find more ways to inject our clients into today’s news, features and opportunities. In order for publicists to do that our clients must prepare then the real PR work follows. Prepping Your Business Before you reach out to press for coverage you must ask yourself, am I press ready? This is the most important step a brand can make in preparing themselves for press coverage. This also helps you, the brand owner understand and seek out the correct media. You should start with your brand identity and work your way through. Before reaching out you should know your demographics, your key messages and objectives, you should understand what problem your brand solves. You should also have a working website and products available. Consistency across your social media is a must to allow consumers to really get an understanding of your brand story and how it connects emotionally to them. Reach out to the “Correct” media outletsWhen deciding to reach out for coverage don’t just send emails, phone calls or even unsolicited samples and press kit to any press organization that you find? You should take a day or two to filter through press and look for press that fits your demographics. They must have your audience or the press will not matter. Before sending out emails, go through the press kit and online information. See what kind of stories they write, find the editor’s that cover your particular topics. Research them; get to know their style of writing so you can find the perfect fit. Follow those editors on social media and LinkedIn, connect and network with the press. For bloggers, research their categories and story angles, find out what type of stories they work on, make suggestions or email them to find out what type of stories they are interested in. For publications, look into publications media kit and editorial calendar, if you do not find one online, look up the email first or call and get the information for the direct person to email for your particular niche, also if you can ask how they prefer their pitches. Once you receive the information you need look at the topics they will be covering and see how your business can fit into the story and write compelling article piece/press release to fit.