Hitch Fit Living Magazine Volume 3 - November/December 2015 | Page 54

TIPS FOR STAYING ON TRACK by Hitch Fit Rock Star Transformation - Vickie Sims http://hitchfit.com/before-afters/fit-and-fabulous-at-60-raw-real-powerful-inspiration/ 1. Clean out your cabinets and fridge. Get rid of anything that would tempt you into going off course. If you are anything like me, when I started my first transformation, I would see something and think “If I just go ahead and eat this, I don’t have to worry about having it around tomorrow.” 2. Get a friend on board. I work with a girl who has gone through her own Hitch Fit transformation. We walk the stairs each day and “vent” to each other, or encourage each other. We call it our “stairapy”. 3. Write everything down, including your moods, time, obstacles you may have run into during the day. The one I use is “Bodyminder Workout & Exercise Journal. Even though my transformations are over, I still journal – it keeps me accountable. 4. Stay away from the scale (unless you are sending updates to Diana or Micah). The scale is not your friend. It messes with your mind. People go by the scale, and if they don’t see that number go down, the get discouraged. You may see the results in other areas, the way your clothes fit, muscle definition, etc. 5. Do not listen to the negative comments from others. Most of the time, its people who are jealous of the way you have taken charge of your health. Stay away from the negativity. 6. Keep a copy of your before pictures someplace that you can see it daily and