HEB ISD School & Family Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 25

Ryane Barker 12th grader at Buinger CTE Academy and Trinity High Alex Morris 6th grader at South Euless Elementary I want to work on airplanes as an aviation specialist. Video Game Designer. The power to heal people. The power to take other people’s power. That way there are no boundaries! My favorite thing about school is learning. I love to learn! I like to interact with new people and have new experiences. I would want to meet Henry Ford to ask him how he came up with the idea for the assembly line and the first automobile. My aunt. I would ask her how she was always happy even when she was going through very hard things. My Auto Tech teacher, Mr. Foote! He has really advanced my knowledge as a mechanic and he always motivates me to be the best I can be. My mom because she has been with me through everything. 23