Happy Entrepreneur Spring 2015 | Page 28

can help. Ayurveda is a natural system of healing from India that teaches principles of balance for optimal health. Ayurveda tells us that we are each physically and psychologically unique, and thus the way we function is not a one-sizefits-all model. Three Ayurveda energy types make-up the characteristics of individual’s body, mind, and spirit. We all have our own proportion of each that ultimately shapes who we are. When our energy types are in balance, we operate at our best. Many of us, however, are functioning from an imbalanced state impacting our physical body, mental state, and how we work in our businesses. If your energy levels are yo-yoing and you’re not feeling top of your game, there are things you can do. First, let’s identify the three Ayurveda energy types and how imbalance could be showing up for you. 1. VATA: ENERGY OF MOVEMENT Vata energy regulates movement and flow in our body. How we think and the amount of thoughts we have during a given period. Vata also regulates movement of food, breath, and talking with our hands. When Vata is in balance we are creative, energetic, alert, and constantly moving. Those who are naturally dominant in Vata energy can manage many things at once with liveliness and enthusiasm. When we are trying to manage too much at once, Vata energy becomes imbalanced causing worry, fear, and anxiety. You remember quickly, but easily forget. How many times do you lay awake at night stressing about your day? Or wake up with dread because you’re thinking about your long to-do list? You feel overwhelmed and keep working to get it all done; then panic arises. You skip breakfast or lunch to do it all. Working in this imbalanced state physically shows up as constipation, insomnia, and the inability to focus. Honoring a routine is important. I recommend scheduling meals and breaks. Eat warm foods and drink room temperature beverages. Instead of a salad or sandwich for lunch, eat sautéed veggies with a lean protein or legumes. Cold foods cause irritability and anxiety to both your digestive system and mind. 2. PITTA: ENERGY OF TRANSFORMATION Pitta energy is responsible for transformative processes such as digestion, the appetite, nutrition absorption, learn- 28 ing, and understanding. Individuals with strong Pitta energy are ambitious, determined, decisive, and make great leaders. They are type A personalities that thrive on structure, organization, and have the capacity to work till exhaustion. When Pitta energy is imbalanced, people are easily angered, demanding, and impatient. Have you ever found yourse