Happy Entrepreneur Spring 2015 | Page 20

One of the top areas I see my clients struggling is with creating products and services that not only sell, but deliver amazing results for their audience. This happens because most business owners are trying to shoehorn their expertise into someone else’s blueprint or template. Instead of really serving their audience in a truly fulfilling way, they’re watering down their message, information, and brand. Rather than trying to fit your message, expertise, or teachings into the offerings that everyone else tells you is “what sells”, I recommend reverse engineering your offerings, by starting with what you want to promise your clients and customers, and creating a product, service, or program that’s as unique and powerful as your brand. HOW TO REVERSE ENGINEER AN OFFERING #1: Clarify Pain Points and Benefits It’s true that before you begin marketing your offerings, you have to know exactly what you’re offering and who it’s for, but a little known secret to creating products and services that sell themselves is to start with writing a draft of the sales copy. This isn’t about drafting the final, polished content for your website, it’s about starting the conversation with your ideal client or customer, then reverse engineering the perfect offering from there. Sales pages are made up of the following basic structure: • • • • 20 Who this is for? Don’t list off the demographics, clearly express the pain points, struggles, and obstacles your ideal clients and customers are experiencing. This question helps you clarify exactly who you’re creating a solution for and exactly where they need support. Why are they in the right place? If they’re a person struggling with what you’ve outlined above, why is your product, service, offering or expertise exactly what they need? This question helps you clarify how you and your expertise can best serve your audience. What are the benefits and results they’ll receive? People don’t care how you do what you do, they care whether or not you can solve their problems. Thinking of your ideal audience, what are the ideal benefits, results, solutions, and experiences they want or need to resolve their problems? Now, how will you provide these benefits and results? This is where the reverse engineering process comes into play and is more for you than it is for your clients and customers. How will you provide them these results? Dive into the best way to structure and deliver the benefits and results you’ve promised. Get creative with your offering. Don’t limit yourself to what you think you should do or what you’ve seen other people do. What is the best, most exciting (to you and your audience), and unique way you can deliver these benefits? #2: outline your process Whether you’re providing an ebook, program, live lecture, or something else, you want to begin by laying out exactly what you want to support people with through your offering. Create a simple outline including the main topic, teaching points, sub points within each teaching point, and a conclusion. • For programs, your teaching points will be each week or module and your support ideas can be sections within that module. • For ebooks, your teaching points may be chapters or they may simply be steps within a guide. • For a coaching package, your teaching points may become different areas of focus that you and your client may touch on while working together, creating a unique system or process you walk people through. • For a physical product, your teaching points may be areas of deliverability with subsections outlining different features or add-ons. The primary purpose of this exercise is to outline what you need to teach, talk about, share, create an exercise around, or communicate in order to deliver the results you’ve promised. #3 perfect your packaging Equally as important as the benefits and results you deliver is how you package your offerings. This is more than just design and actual, physical packaging, it’s about the experience you’re creating and the unique way you’ll provide this product or service to your audience. You want to consider everything from the sales process, to the signup process, to the actual delivery of goods and services, and how you want to follow up and stay connected with your clients and customers. Take a look at your brand