Guitar Tricks Insider December Issue | Page 49

9 GREAT MOMENTS IN ACOUSTIC FINGERSTYLE COVERPLAYING STORY 2 3 THE BEATLES “JULIA” (1968) SIMON & GARFUNKEL “THE BOXER” (1970) John Lennon wrote this bittersweet ballad in memory of his late mother; and it remains a fine lesson for the beginning fingerstylist. The patterns are fairly simple and rhythmically consistent, almost as if this was a guitar exercise instead of a brilliant song. Once you get your chops up, you can tackle another White Album favorite: Paul McCartney’s more challenging “Blackbird.” With a gorgeous “cascade” intro, this song features superb acoustic picking from Paul Simon and studio guitar ace Fred Carter, Jr., who played on the session. The song has a lilting country groove that Simon adapted into one of the greatest pop masterpieces of all time. It’s also a good lesson in “root-fifth” bassline figures – an essential technique of fingerstyle. “Embryonic Journey” by Jefferson Airplane DECEMBER SPECIAL DIGITAL EDITION GUITAR TRICKS INSIDER 49