Green Child Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 63

energy, not take it away. How do you know if you’re working at the right level? Try the talk test. If you can talk so easily to your baby that you can carry on a regular conversation then you are definitely not working hard enough. However, if you’re working so hard that you can’t sing the ABC’s to her, then you are working too hard. Find a good balance of being just a little bit out of breath. Any time is the right time. New moms don’t have a traditional 30-minutes, three times a week to workout. So, just get active whenever you can. Take a 10-minute walk here, do some push ups there, and before you know it you’ll have a workout. Get creative. onya baby Figure out ways to turn your chores around the house into a workout. The most important thing is consistency. Make a commitment to get active regularly. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. Everyone is supposed to drink 8, 8-oz glasses of water a day. If you are nursing, you’ll need even more. Make sure that you are drinking water throughout your workout. The best gift you can give to your child is a happy, healthy mom. Choose foods that will fuel you, exercises that will energize you and enjoy the moments in-between. go anywhere Onya Baby 1045 17th. Ave Santa Cruz, CA. 95062 63