Golden Box Book Publishing Books Are Not Free | Seite 3

The idea for this event came about in response to the over-abundance of free reads being offered in the Indie author community. We believe our books are worth paying a few dollars for. We also believe that readers want to support us and most of them are happy to do so by buying our books without us having to give away prizes, other books, & gift cards.

We published this special issue magazine to support authors who are attending this Facebook event

We would like to show the readers what the authors do and what it takes to produce a book that they enjoy, and we hope the readers will value the authors' work a little more.

We asked the opinion of authors and readers why they think that authors should not give away their books for free.

On the following pages we introduce the authors and some of their books. Read what the authors and readers said and click on the book covers to read more about the authors and their books.

We don’t usually hesitate to pay for the printed books because we can touch it, smell it, hold it in our hands, and turn the pages. However, since the appearance of eBooks that makes it so easy to download and enjoy the hours of entertainment on any reading device, in the eyes of the readers the value of books significantly dropped.

Giving away books for free started within the indie community as a reaction to competition because so many books hit the market within a short period of time, as well as an incentive to create interest and find readers. But now, an increasing number of readers are asking free books. It proves that most readers don't think about that it takes just as much work and money to produce an eBook as it takes to produce a print.