Global Guardian Project V4 India | Page 50


Make your body comfortable . When you ’ re ready , close your eyes . Let ’ s begin by taking some deep breaths . Feel the air filling your belly as you breathe in through your nose . As you breathe out , make a big AHHHHH sound through your mouth . Feel your whole body becoming relaxed . Let ’ s take a few more breaths just like this . Now we can breathe normally again , in and out through your nose .
Imagine you ’ re floating in the sky , high up by the clouds , high enough that you can see all the people and creatures of the earth below you . You see winding rivers , tall trees , animals of all shapes and sizes . Let your eyes wander throughout the land . What images are they taking in ? Can you see the blue of the sky ? The green of the grass ? Can you feel the crisp breeze floating over your skin and through the trees , flowing across the land ? Take in these images , shapes and colors . What sounds are you hearing ? Do you hear birds singing , the breeze swaying through the trees ? These are all sounds of our Earth . Be totally present in this moment . You are connected to the Earth and all who call it home .
As you float high in the sky , place your hands lightly over your heart . Bring your awareness to this place in your body . What is one wish you have for the Earth ? Imagine all the nature , people and animals who call the Earth home .