Global Guardian Project V4 India | Page 48


It ’ s common knowledge that meditation is a great tool to find peace and balance amid our hectic lives — that ’ s why so many people enjoy the practice . Exposing our children to these ancient , yet practical , techniques can help them cope with stress in a more positive way and lead them to living healthier lives . Unfortunately an increasing number of children are showing elevated signs of stress and anxiety starting at a very young age .
So , how do we get our kids invested in meditating ? We lead by example . Children often copy the behavior of their parents . Initiating a meditation practice can be as simple as leading by example . When your kids observe you in meditation , it sets a tone and inspires them to join in . We ’ ve designed this mindful meditation to be practiced together as a family . We suggest you use the podcast to meditate together , then discuss the practice , what you saw and how it made you feel .