GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 4 | Page 80

important to create an ‘ersatz family network of good friends in similar circumstances,’ to continue making an effort to communicate in their native language, and to ‘create traditions.’ In other words, it is important to try to give TCKs what they might naturally have if they did not move around: a sense of community and rituals that celebrate life’s special moments. Even in the best of circumstances, however, raising a mini global nomad is not easy. According to, ‘a nonprofit community of over 21,000 members dedicated to help TCKs connect and find a sense of belonging,’ typical TCKs feel ‘out of sync’ with their peers, are restless and lack a sense of home. Even very young children can feel the effects of an international move, with GGI survey respondents reporting that their children experienced regressive behaviour, difficulties eating and sleeping and anxiety about making friends and transitioning to new schools. On the positive side, however, TCKid cites studies showing most TCKs are linguistically gifted, feel that they can get along with anyone, and are more mature as teenagers (although they may ironically take longer to grow up once in their 20s). This is borne out by our own readers’ experiences: GGI mothers reported their children were excited to learn new languages and explore new cultures, meet people and try local