Geopolitics Magazine November - December 2015 | Page 80

Γράφει ο Δημήτρης Σουκέρας Greek, a Failing National Culture? “Some people and organisations see surprise as an opportunity to learn”, as Sydney Dekker (2006) argues about occasions, that failure is seen, as a chance for whole societies to alter views, to modify their beliefs, on the basis of how severe had been the consequences, of an unexpected and also unpleasant event. Greece has included its name, for more than half a dozen years already, among the dominant nominations for the most odious media headlines globally, during the last decade. Financial crisis is not only said, but truly exceeds the catastrophic results of WWII, as Greek population lately goes by with grave a difficulty and the country lives a brain drain of hundreds of thousands of its youth members, permanently abandoning its economy. Today nearly seven years after the visible beginning of the crisis, the problem lays into the fact that Greek society still seems to be incapable of realizing real causes of it and therefore unable of discerning potential escape routes. A closer look could reveal that Greek people do insist on “seeing things” under a linear sight lens which deprives them from understanding the complexity of their current status. It seems that Greek society lacks specialized and esoteric skills allowing more awareness of interdependencies when they appear. The truth is that education and family environment produce citizens who always tend to prefer subtle solutions even for complex situations. Real world today is full of complexity, so complex instead of linear interactions are the norm, suggesting that there are branching paths, feedback loops, jumps from one linear sequence to another because of proximity that construct the structure of real life problems. Those connections are not only adjacent, serial ones, but can multiply as other parts or units or subsystems are reached. On the other hand linear interactions are those in expected and familiar production lines of normal daily sequence, no longer existed in isolation and those that are quite visible even if unplanned. Unfortunately the financial crisis in Greece still produces sequences and series of troubles either not visible or not immediately comprehensible, all evidence of a complexity that stays inconceivable that can only be attributed to a suffering national culture? The Concept of National Culture Is it the culture that creates and breeds the leader or the other way round? Questions as such come unequivocally into the surface of our minds when the topic of research is vague and inefficiently defined. Culture is a pretty much disputed term by itself that still scares Academics to delve into with confidence, but a rather fascinating challenge. all rights reserved 2015 Page 78