GeminiFocus October 2013 | Page 10

tical. They also have the reach to target interesting planets around fainter host stars. However, the limitations imposed by Earth’s atmosphere first need to be overcome. The brightness variations in ground-based time-series photometry are typically overcome by simultaneous observations of reference stars that are close to the target on the sky. On the assumption that the reference stars are not intrinsically variable, and that the effect of scintillation is a common mode across a small field-of-view, ground-based differential transit photometry can be obtained to precisions necessary to probe exoplanet atmospheres with the transit technique. Spectroscopy is ultimately needed to resolve the lines and bands from chemical species in exoplanet atmospheres. We accomplish this by performing simultaneous time-se- ries spectroscopy of the transiting planet host star and a few reference stars of similar brightness with multi-object slit spectrographs. A key aspect of this approach is the use of very-wide (12 arcsecond) custom slits, which is crucial for eliminating light loss at the slit due to variations in atmospheric seeing and guiding as a function of time. The only downsides to this approach are a loss in spectral resolution over what could be obtained with a slit smaller than the seeing profile, and a higher background. These factors are not major limitations. We typically have to bin the data to a significantly lower resolution than is native in the data (to boost the signal-to-noise ratio) and the stars we observe are very bright relative to the background. History of Ground-based Transit Spectroscopy The first application of the multi-object transit spectroscopy technique was with the Focal Reducer and Spectrograph (FORS) instrument on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (Bean et al., 2010), and we have subsequently used the technique with MMIRS on Magellan (Bean et al., 2011, and 2013) and now the Gemini Multi-object Spectrograph (GMOS) on Gemini (Stevenson et al., 2013). Recently, another group has also had success using the technique on GMOS (Gibson et al., 2013). October2013 GeminiFocus 10