GeminiFocus July 2013 | Page 5

The Users’ Committee for Gemini Observatory (UCG) provides feedback to the Observatory on all areas of its operations that affect current users. The committee members base their input on their own experiences and the information they solicit from the broader user community. Gemini uses this feedback to improve the service it provides to users. The operational model for the Gemini Observatory delegates many functions to the partners. Each partner has a National Gemini Office (NGO) that provides the local interface between the national community and the Gemini Observatory to support their users. Among the many responsibilities, each NGO supports the evaluation of proposals for, or site time through, a national time allocation committee, including providing for technical review and recommendation for time July2013 allocation to the international committee. The NGOs support users who have been allocated time during the Phase II Process and directly provide technical support of instruments and systems throughout the year. The NGOs also promote Gemini capabilities and use within their national communities. An Operations Working Group, including the NGOs, advises the Gemini Director on the use and scheduling of the Gemini telescopes, and on matters related to the user support interface between the national communities and the Observatory. The group reviews science operations and makes suggestions for improvements, recommends content for each semester’s call for proposals, and collaborates on science operations support among the NGOs. GeminiFocus 5