GeminiFocus April 2015 | Page 21

that, to paraphrase the feedback of one early-career reviewer, “Time Allocation Committees [TACs] are better at judging proposals than we are, so only proposals that really need the FT program should go through this route.” Or perhaps there’s a psychological component, something like “my program really needs to be done soon, so why should it compete against something that can wait?” In any case, we have updated the instructions to emphasize that the need for a quick response is not paramount. Time will tell if this works. Although we don’t yet have a lot of data to work with, in true astronomer fashion we haven’t been able to resist the temptation to start analyzing the numbers we do have. Figure 1, for instance, shows the mean proposal grade vs. proposal rank for the first FT cycle. Clearly, the dispersion in grades is rather large for most of the proposals. However, a couple of things stand out. The top two proposals were uniformly recognized to be very good or excellent, and the three lowestranked proposals were not rated as excellent by any of the reviewers. This roughly mirrors what many people say about proposal assessment mechanisms in general: the top and bottom proposals are easy to recognize, while those in the middle elicit much less agreement. One concern that we have heard from the community is that non-expert reviewers may be too easily swayed by a proposal and unable to recognize its flaws. Figure 2, which shows the number of times each score was awarded, separated by the reviewer’s selfproclaimed expertise, allows us to look for signs that this is the case. April 2015 If anything, it seems that the opposite may be happening; the lowest scores were given almost exclusively by reviewers who consider themselves not to be particularly familiar with the subject area of a proposal. While data from more FT cycles are certainly needed to show whether this trend persists, prospective PIs may wish to ensure that their proposals are accessible to a broad, non-expert audience. Figures 1 and 2 also show that most reviewers thought most proposals were “good” or better. Some have wondered whether people will exploit the peer review system to give competing proposals unfairly low grades. We see no evidence of this so far, although we will continue to monitor carefully. Figure 1. Mean proposal grade vs. proposal rank for the first FT cycle. The vertical bars show the range of scores received by each proposal (on a scale of 0-4), and the dashed horizontal line indicates the cutoff score that any proposal must reach in order to be awarded telescope time. Others have questioned how the quality of FT proposals will compare to that of “regular” Gemini proposals. Will the people with the best ideas be wary of the peer review system? To gauge this, the feedback survey asks how the FT proposals compare to other proposals the reviewers may have judged in the past. Of the reviewers who have replied so far, all reported that the FT propos- GeminiFocus 19