GeminiFocus April 2015 | Page 12

black hole at redshift z = 6.3, only about 875 million years after the Big Bang. This result requires extremely rapid growth of the black hole. While black holes of comparable mass have been observed — after they have had billions of years to gradually gain mass over cosmic history — this quasar challenges astronomers to determine how such a huge object could exist so early in the history of the universe. Mass accretion at the Eddington limit, over most of cosmic time, is required to reach the large mass at this early epoch. Figure 3. The spectrum of quasar SDSSJ010013.02 + 280225.8, obtained using the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph combined with observations from the Magellan Telescope, appears in red; gaps are regions of low sky transparency. The optical spectrum (from the Large Binocular Telescope; black) and noise (magenta) are also plotted. The inset shows the three components of the fit to a portion of the near-infrared emission. The ionized magnesium (Mg II; blue) emission is used to estimate the extremely large black hole mass, of 12 billion times the mass of the Sun. Figure credit: Nature. 10 Color selection in optical and infrared imaging surveys identified the target as a candidate high-redshift quasar, which the team, led by Xue-Bing Wu (Peking University, China), followed with multi-wavelength spec- GeminiFocus troscopic observations. The near-infrared observations from both the Gemini NearInfrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on Gemini North, and the Magellan Telescope, show the emission of ionized magnesium (Mg II), which was used to estimate the black hole mass from scaling relationships applicable to quasars. In addition to standing out for its extreme black hole mass, this quasar, SDSS J010013.02  280225.8, is exceptionally lu+  minous, having a bolometric luminosity greater than 1048 ergs per second; it is in fact the most luminous one known at z > 6. This work is published in Nature (Vol. 518, p 512). Nancy A. Levenson is Deputy Director and Head of Science at Gemini Observatory. Her office is at Gemini South headquarters in La Serena, Chile. She can be reached at: [email protected] April 2015