GeminiFocus 2013 Year in Review | Page 17

A New Kind of Galaxy Cluster Sample The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect (SZE; Sunyaev and Zel’dovich, 1972) corresponds to the scattering of photons coming from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by the electrons in the ICM. This typically boosts the energy of individual photons, resulting in a distinct frequency dependence of the effect. Thus, the SZE is observed as a change in temperature in the direction of clusters with respect to the average CMB line-of-sight. This effect is observed as a decrease in temperature relative to the undistorted CMB at frequencies below approximately 218 Gigahertz (GHz), peaking around 130 GHz, where it is of the order of a few hundreds of microkelvins (µK) for the most massive clusters. At approximately 218 GHz the net change in temperature is null, and the SZE is observed as a temperature increment at higher frequencies. Importantly, since the SZE is a scattering process, the surface brightness of the SZE is strictly independent of the distance to the cluster. It is moreover, to first order, dependent only on the line-of-sight integral of the gas pressure through the ICM. Of course, more massive clusters tend to be hotter and have a denser ICM. This implies that they host ICM atmospheres with the highest pressures, making the SZE particularly sensitive to cluster mass. The bottom line is that the most massive clusters produce the strongest SZE signals. The selection function for a sample of galaxy clusters detected with the SZE is essentially distance independent. Thus, an accurate calibration of the SZE brightness of clusters to their mass gives exciting prospects for the use of galaxy clusters as cosmological probes. This is especially true for two reasons: 1) Being almost independent of redshift, the SZE is best suited to detect the most massive galaxy clusters at high redshift (as mentioned before, it provides the strongest leverage to cosmological constraints); and 2) The SZE brightness is expected from numerical simulations to be cleanly related to the total mass of clusters, with an intrinsic scatter as low as 10 percent. ACT Weighs In The 6-meter Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) in northern Chile was designed to scan the sky at millimeter wavelengths with a resolution approaching 1 arcminute. It is one of only two ground-based millimeter-band telescopes sensitive enough to conduct large area surveys (covering thousands of square degrees of sky) to study the CMB and other temperature fluctuations from astrophysical sources (i.e., SZE clusters and distant galaxies). The first results — based on a 450-squaredegree survey of the southern sky at 148 GHz with a sensitivity of 36 µK — revealed 23 clusters in the redshift range 0.12 < z < 1.07, of which 10 at z > 0.28 were newly discovered (Marriage et al., 2011). The initial characterization of the sample, using optical imaging and archival X-ray data, confirmed that this was a sample of massive clusters spanning all redshifts, as expected from mass function predictions (Menanteau et al., 2010). However, a detailed analysis, including mass measurements and cosmological implications, had to wait for further observations. Figure 1 shows four sample clusters detected by ACT, showing the temperature decrements observed in 148 GHz (top) and the corresponding optical images (bottom), with the photometric redshift given in each image. Of these, the three highest redshift clusters were followed up with the Gemini MultiObject Spectrograph (GMOS). One of the highlights of this cluster survey was the discovery of ACT-CL J0102  4915, -  dubbed “El Gordo,” which is at a redshift of 0.87 (Menanteau et al., 2012). We character- January2014 2013 Year in Review GeminiFocus 15