GAZELLE MAGAZINE Volume 2, Issue 1 | Seite 22

HEALTH & WELLNESS STAY MOTIVATED TO STAY FIT By Mike Wayne So the New Year is here, and you have resolutions to get fit and get that body you have always wanted. Here are ten tips to help you stick to that 2015 regimen. plan. fitness regimen is the 1 Have ato do. Starting a to it is even of you hardest things Adhering Once feel the soreness of exercise it gets difficult to make it back to the gym. This is where having a plan comes into play. Simple things like planning your meals and scheduling your workout can keep you prepared so a busy schedule never catches you off guard. 2 Pick a regimen that works for you. One of the single best ways to make sure you stick to a routine is to find something you already enjoy doing. It’s no secret that exercise is not everyone’s favorite pastime. However, if you are doing something you love and burning calories at the same time, that’s a major win! yourself when misstep. When starting a fitness routine, it’s to be perfect 6 Forgivetime. unrealistic youassume that things willyourself and all of the When you make a mistake, forgive put it in the past. Dwelling on the fact that you had a bad meal will not help. Make the next one better and keep a positive attitude. Ooooooh know a 7 Remove tempting foods fromisyour life.your name,I but why box of Oreos and leftover fettuccine calling tease yourself? It’s time to purge your home of things that are not going to help you be successful when it comes to your diet. Yes, that means either giving away your perfectly good junk food or not buying it at all. Remember, gaining happen thirty 3 Take your time.neither will losing it. weightadidn’t of reminding 8 Set short-term goals. Let’s say ayou want to losethe first pounds, overnight, and Make habit but you haven’t worked out in while. One of obsta