FutureCurious Times 2017 2017 | Page 36

Program 3 : I join you as a Board Member , Advisor , Mentor , Inhouse Futurist or Provocateur continued ...
work is conducted . Beyond this is the issue of attracting and retaining staff . What is the trajectory of people vs machines and people working with machines in your organisation ? What skills and jobs will disappear and which will rise to replace them . How do you tap into a global talent pool ? What will your workforce look like and be comprised of in 2020 and 2025 ?
6 . Investor and stakeholder engagement – Board members are no longer ivory tower dwellers they exist in a wider ecosystem that ’ s inclusive and accessible . What outreach and crowd wisdom systems and practices are in place ? What is the role , purpose and work of future Board members ?
7 . Input or output culture ? – input is the industrial revolution model of measuring , ensuring , enveloping staff within set processes and procedures ’ and concerning ourselves with maximising our return on existing people , assets and resources . Output is Enterprise 4.0 requiring an intimate understanding of what has to be produced , by when , for whom and to what standards and then dynamically assembling ecosystem ( s ) to efficiently and profitably hyperpersonalised and provide each unique transaction .
8 . Artificial Intelligence – every decision you have ever made in business and life began as a human thought before being brought to reality through human endeavour . The past 200 years has been about mechanising human endeavour ( work ), the next big push is to mechanise “ thought ”. What does this mean to a Board ? How , who , where and when will future Board ’ s make decisions and from what information , provided by who or what , against what parameters and when will you have your first Robot Board Member ?
9 . Anticipatory – innovation is yesterday ’ s news . Tomorrow ’ s big story is taking the possibilities of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and using them to anticipate internal and external customer needs long before they know they even know they need it . This extraordinary leap in customer-centric service and provision will require you to remap all of your customer touchpoints and rework your product and service offerings .
10 . Who are you really ? – if you are going to succeed as an anticipatory organisation then you have to be certain of who you are and what you want to do and be moving forward . This goes well beyond your logo , marketing , legacy systems and pre-packaged products and ideas . It is taking
36 the mindset of a start-up , seeing infinite possibility and not getting caught up in the “ but that ’ s the way it ’ s always been ” viewpoint and then being able and ready to flex to meet marketplace demands of you .
11 . Cybersecurity preparedness – how ready are you to respond to digital threats and attacks ?
12 . Reputation Management – reputation is now digitally grown , curated and managed . What steps are you taking to monitor , foster and enhance your reputation and how prepared are you to rally against brand and organisational threats ?
13 . Oversight of enterprise risk management – how do your responses to the above effect your current readiness and ability to plan , organise , lead and control , to ensure you minimise the risk on your capital and earnings ? Are your truly future ready and willing ?