Trip Planner 2017 Trip Planner for Faith-based Travel | Page 5

trip planner Contents REFORMATION TOURS FAITH STORIES 8 Building a home for the Bible 4 Celebrating the Reformation anniversary through travel 8 Use technology to create lasting stories and memories 11 FAITH DESTINATIONS Ten spiritual U.S. places to visit in 2017 13 CC FLICKR/MARTIN EHRENSVÄRD: RESOURCES About the National Faith Travel Association and NTA 20 Membership directory 22 Ad index 29 REVELATIONS 13 Transformational travel toward peace ON THE COVER Charming Wittenberg, Germany, is drawing groups that are visiting key sites in Martin Luther’s reform of medieval Christianity. 30 NTA has used images existing in the public domain or made available from sources including, but not limited to, Flickr and Wikimedia Common s under a Creative Commons Attribution Generic License. The full text of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License is available at Images used may have been altered by cropping or adjusted for contrast, saturation, size, color, clarity or otherwise digitally manipulated to meet design specifications. NTA’s use of Creative Commons and public domain images does not constitute or suggest the licensor’s explicit or implied endorsement of the NTA Trip Planner, its content, staff, contributors, advertisers or any other use by the NTA Trip Planner. FOLLOW US Photo: CC FLICKR/WOLFGANG DROST: 3