Franchise Update Magazine Issue IV, 2014 | Page 11

WH Y S A TMETRI X ? WE’L L L ET OU R CU S TO MERS A NS W ER TH AT. I NEE DE D A N E A S Y - T O - U S E S O F T W A R E S OL U T I ON SAT ME T RI X E N ABLE S U S T O I DENT I F Y AND A ND , MO S T O F A L L , A P A R T N E R WIT H E XP E RT I SE , SHOWC ASE OU R BE ST P RAC T I CES. W E AR E ABLE W HO H A D A N E X T EN S IV E C L IEN T L IST A N D HAD T O P OLLI N AT E T HE SE BE ST P RAC T I C ES ACR OSS S EEN MA N Y DIFF E R E N T S IT U A T IO NS . I F OU N D ALL FRAN C HI SE E S T O AC C E LE R AT E OUR R ESULTS WH A T I N E E DE D IN S A T M E T R I X. AN D RAI SE T HE LE V E L OF OU R P R OCESSES. Tricia Tangradi Vice President of Marketing at HouseMaster Home Inspections Greg Meyer, Director of Market Research, Anytime Fitness Anytime Fitness is #1 on Entrepreneur magazine’s 2014 Franchise 500 List. In a marketplace crowded with competition, Anytime Fitness uses Satmetrix to HouseMaster relies heavily on customer referrals to keep in constant close touch with what keeps members keep its home- and building-inspection business coming back. strong. “Not many franchise systems are both as large and as Using Satmetrix, HouseMaster quickly identifies the franchise system that has more than 2,300 plus easily let franchisees know what is working. Monthly flexible as Anytime Fitness. If Satmetrix can work in a factors that turn customers into Promoters, and can locations across 14 countries, it can work for anyone.” webinars help franchisees take advantage of the Anytime Fitness uses Satmetrix to stimulate insight they can gain. cooperative competition that elevates the brand. The next step is to mobilize those Promoters to share clubs worldwide, every club has some stake in the LinkedIn. HouseMaster increased engagement 40-fold “Because a member of one club has access to all other their positive experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and performance of all the others. Sharing Net Promoter in a six-month period. scores promotes a mentality of a rising tide lifts all our ships,” says Meyer. W E I N VI T E Y O U T O S EE F O R Y O U R S EL F . R E QUE ST A N O-OBLIGATION DE MO A N D S E E HOW S A TM E TRIX P UTS S UCCES S IN M O T IO N . SAT MET RIX. C OM/ F RANC HIS E