Forward July 2016 | Page 11

FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Getting to know... Mr Brad Evans • Head of Senior School What is your favourite time of the day and why? Definitely the morning. I try my best to be an early riser, usually taking Dusty our dog for a walk and exercising before the start of the work day. It is a joy witnessing a sunrise over our beautiful campus and river. It really energises me for the busy day ahead, and is an awesome reminder about where we really fit in the scheme of things. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why? I have always had a fixation with lions from a very young age and this has continued throughout my life. They are strong and powerful creatures, and this is reinforced by the symbolism associated with them in many cultures across the world. I think that in their life within their prides, lions are very loyal, and will defend their pride at all costs and this is an attribute that is important to me. What do you think are your strongest leadership attributes? I believe that I have a relaxed leadership style which focuses on building and maintaining positive relationships. In order to do this, I try to focus on being compassionate and understanding of each individual, valuing communication and always having the objective of assisting those around me to develop their own skills and practices. What did you want to be when you were 7 years old? My memory of all those years ago is a little faded, but I would assume it would have been something to do with dinosaurs or explorers. I can recall plenty of times digging holes in the yard and playing with a collection of dinosaurs. My mother still recounts my ability to rattle off lists of scientific names for dinosaurs and correct anybody (adult or otherwise) if they got one of the names wrong! What book has influenced you the most? I love to read and typically have several different books on the go, which are scattered throughout my office and house. My level of reading tends to ebb and flow depending on how busy I am in terms of both work and the study I am currently completing. Generally, these books are centred around personal interest and professional learning. In terms of influence, it is hard to pinpoint one, as most of the books I have read are full of highlighter markings and sticky notes so that I can refer back to them for a particular point or idea I have found particularly relevant. There are two in particular that stand out, Boy by Roald Dahl and Thrive by Arianna Huffington. Boy I have selected for no other reason than it reminds me about the pleasure I gained from reading as a child. I loved Roald Dahl books, and although this is one of Roald Dahl’s few non-fiction books (it is an autobiography written in stories of different phases of his life), it provides an insight into the experiences that created a personality that was able to be so imaginative, humorous and creative. The other book is Thrive: The third metric to redefining success and creating a happier life by Arianna Huffington. It is a book I found highly enjoyable, practical and important in maintaining balance and leading a good life. What would your superpower be and how would you use it? There are probably two superpowers I would really like to possess. The first would be to secure world peace and put an end to the large number of conflicts that are currently occurring across the globe. On a more personal level I think the ability to be able to teleport to anywhere around the world instantly would be amazing, provided I could take people along for the ride. It would be nice to teleport to a tropical island with my family at the end of a busy work day, or alternatively to be able to teleport a class of students to different places around the world as we learned about different concepts and places. What was the last collaborative project you were involved with? Rather than linking collaboration to one particular project, I choose to make collaboration an integral part of any task that I need to complete. I believe that in any leadership position, collaboration is actually a day to day mechanism that is fundamental in all activities. I constantly collaborate with others in terms of gaining information, using their expertise and opinions, and obtaining feedback after decisions are made or activities are complete in order to get the best results. What words of wisdom would you pass on to your childhood self? The things I would say to my childhood self are probably things that I remind myself of regularly and still find particularly relevant as an adult, role model and school leader. In no particular order a selection of these would be: Mr Brad Evans • To be thankful and grateful for all that you have in your life. • Don’t be quick to judge others. Always treat people with respect and it will come back to you, with interest. • Take time with people, everyone you meet has something you can learn from them. • Find as many things you enjoy and are passionate about as possible and do your best to spend a lot of time doing them. • Try your best to take advantage of opportunities that come your way. • Time spent with your loved ones is to be treasured. • Make a habit of exercising and reading (though not at the same time - it can lead to injury!). • Don’t take yourself too seriously. People feel comfortable around someone who can laugh at themselves. • There is always a silver lining! In what ways are you the same as your childhood self? I am still very energetic, passionate, inquisitive and willing to give new things a go. My parents would have used the terms “full on” and “into everything” when describing me as a child and fortunately (or unfortunately depending how you look at it!) they would still describe me the same way. Who is your personal hero and why? I always have difficulty answering this question. So many people do heroic things in many ways. These may be huge grand gestures or just simply showing strength in the face of adversity. On a personal level though my hero is my Grandmother. She has faced a tremendous amount of adversity in her life, yet has an unfaltering positive attitude and approach and she always cares for others. 11