Forward July 2014 | Page 33

PR E PA R ATORY S C HO OL New beginnings The beautiful thing about a school like Guildford Grammar School is the wonderful framework of tradition that is created over the generations. A school with a long history has a sense of longevity and dependability. In an environment of flux and uncertainty it stands as an anchor held tightly in place by its founding ideals and core values. Paradoxically, its tradition, values, growth and constants are forged through turnover and change. The very nature of organic structures such as schools is that the people who make them what they are, are constantly changing. Each student and staff member that passes through the school adds their thread to the ever growing tapestry that is the life of Guildford Grammar School. Parents, council members, Old Guildfordians and even unrelated benefactors (as in the case of the Chapel) also have a profound effect on creating the life of this school over the decades. The past few years have certainly seen the obvious signs of change. We have seen the inevitable changes in the leadership of the School, the retirement of long serving staff members, and the new visions and directions that are a key part of every new staff member that is employed. Our students have continued to weave a wonderful legacy through their amazing achievements and parents have had a strong impact through the bodies that serve the School community like the P&F, FOPS and FOSS. But perhaps the most obvious changes have been the development of the new buildings. Mr Justin Krause The Catalyst project and its physical incarnation in the Thwaites Centre has been a stark symbol of innovation and growth in the School. It is with great excitement that we anticipate now the next phase in the Preparatory School building program. Much like the Thwaites Centre is now the home to the Catalyst program, the new buildings in the Preparatory School will bring form and shape to the drive, innovation, collaboration and passion for deep and exciting learning, in buildings that will reflect the excellence and the joy of the learning process. As we look upon the neatly prepared ground that will take the foundations of these fine facilities, I am reminded of the process that has preceded this point. The outside observer may only note the physical process and perhaps pay some attention to the plan and design drawings that are shared. What is not immediately clear to all is the depth of thought and planning that has gone ahead of this. Ideas take shape and grow as the process unfolds. Input from visiting other facilities and thought provoking questions about our vision and purpose start taking shape in layout and design. As you enter each phase of consultation, those tasked with bringing this dream to life, probe and interrogate to get to the core of what you want the building to do, to mean and to be. Hours of planning, questioning and debating finally come together in a neat synergy that is presented in a plan that you have never seen, although when you first gaze on it there is a great familiarity and bond. Every aspect of its creation has received thought and direction. The building will entirely serve the values, purpose and intention of its creation. Each room, colour and detail thoughtfully incorporated. It is true that the people make the School and not the buildings, but the growth, learning and development of each child will surely be greatly enhanced by being in a building that has been built with such great thought, not only for function at its simplest level but for many of the deeper intentions of the experience: collaboration, innovation, inquiry and o