Forward July 2014 | Page 22

SENIOR SCHOOL History X class research Otzi the Iceman Year 8 and 9 students from Mr Wildman’s History X class have spent a portion of Term 1 studying the topic of ‘Otzi the Iceman’, a well preserved natural mummy of a man who lived around 3,300 BC. Students researched information within a six part documentary to produce a report that analyses the various clues surrounding how the Iceman died and what type of life he lived. Each student provided information regarding the location he was found, how and why he died, how his age was determined and evidence surrounding the case. Together the students produced a wide variety of unique theories as to how they think Otzi may have died. As a part of the case study the students had the opportunity to learn and familiarise themselves with the specialist positions and occupations involved in discovering Otzi the Iceman and the different theories that these professions use. The History X students enjoyed researching this topic because of the open minded Khobie Dunn (St), Sammy Operchal (Ha), Jonathan Choong (Fr), Andre Giambazi (SG) and Dane Begovich (Sc). approach that can be taken towards exploring the various possibilities. to be boring into something entertaining, interesting and intriguing.” As always, the students expressed their appreciation of having Mr Wildman as their History X teacher. In their own words, “he is able to turn a topic that has the potential The students of History X viewed this study as a stepping stone into further h