Forward December 2015 | Page 30

SENIOR SCHOOL Catalyst: change by name and by nature The American author and Professor Dr Leo Buscaglia once wrote, “Change is the end result of all true learning”. As a school we hope to bring about positive changes in our students through their learning experiences that will see them grow in self-confidence, develop their unique abilities and talents and bring about a broader and more considered view of the world that they will enter into and hopefully help to shape in the future. From a junior secondary perspective, over the past five years our Catalyst curriculum has challenged students in their thinking and done so in a way that we believe best suits all boys’ academic needs, including their varied preferences for learning. An underpinning tenet of the program has been to offer students significant choice in what they learn. The Catalyst Elective Learning banks have presented our boys with a wide array of discipline-based course opportunities that they choose to study, and in doing so come to understand more accurately what they enjoy and what they are good at. We believe that it is these two criteria, although quite elementary by nature, that are the key factors which parents and their sons should take into account when considering what to study in their more senior years of schooling. However, the process of change is not solely confined to the growth of our students. It is our responsibility to continually audit our curriculum and the learning opportunities we offer students, such that we can be sure they have the very best opportunities to be 30 successful adults who seek to create and contribute to a just, loving and peaceful society