Forward December 2015 | Seite 17

SENIOR SCHOOL Zac: In boarding there are three main values that we follow. These are United, Respect and Enjoyment. In the Boarding House I have seen many people living and breathing these 3G values. If you are a boarder you have to become really independent and this means you have to put out your own washing, keep your room clean and tidy, be polite to all the parents that come into the house, and make sure the house Zac Finlayson (8Sc) is in a clean state and don’t walk away from a mess. Following these 3G values makes you a better individual. Lachlan Gelmi (9Fr) Lachlan: In the Guildford Grammar School boarding community our ‘3G’ motto incorporates Respect, Enjoyment, and being United. Respect is shown by us, in our everyday lives. This is shown through simple things like knocking on the door before entering, saying a hearty hello to peers and staff, obeying what staff say, and opening doors for others, making a warm and friendly feeling around the boarding house. There are many times throughout the week where boarders have a chance to have fun. On our free afternoons, when we don’t have sport training, there is a range of things to do. You can go to the shopping centre in Midland, go for a bike ride, play sport outside, catch up on homework or simply relax. The weekends are just as good, if not better. There are weekly organised recreational activities, sports fixtures, Saturday evening BBQs and many other entertaining activities. Your fellow boarders are like your brothers throughout your journey at the School. They are there during your lows and highs. From being comforted while homesick, to being cheerful when scoring a match-winning goal. Your friends made at the school will be remembered for the rest of your life. Robert Harris (7Wb) Robert: To me, 3G in boarding is what keeps us boys ‘going forward.’ It is what the boarders follow and respect. I think United is the most important value because we are all brothers and don’t have our parents here to look after us. The brotherhood between all of my fellow boarders is something I feel I will treasure years after I have graduated. It is an amazing feeling to know that if I have a problem there will always be a ‘brother’ there for me that can help me out. The value of Respect really holds 3G together, because without respect we can’t be united and enjoy our home away from home. Without Enjoyment we can’t become really good mates. 3G is something that I take with me everywhere, even out of my boarding community, it is something that I really value. Bradley Diepeveen (8Sc) Bradley: I really enjoy being a part of the boarding community and living by the 3G values of United, Respect and Enjoyment. For me, being a 3G boarder means not only following the main values, but it is about the small everyday things like being respectful, saying please and thank you, helping others, tidying up or picking up rubbish before you are asked to and keeping your room tidy. By doing the little things it is easier to follow the 3G values and become a respectable individual. Dylan: To boarders, the 3G motto goes further than just in the school. Respecting each others’ boundaries, providing support for brothers while in a time of need and just being there for each other are all significant factors to think about when considering what 3G boarding refers to. In boarding, you don’t have to love every other boy in your year, house or even boarding community. But, to me, Dylan Brooks (9St) it is vital that you should treat everyone with the same amount of respect as you wish to be treated with. Just asking if someone is OK can make their day a lot better. Being 3G means a lot to boarders, probably more than day boys. But, to me, the main factor to consider here is Respect. So boys, just respect each other and boarding can be an enjoyable time for everyone. Thomas Burns (8Sc) Thomas: To me, being 3G is more than just a value but instead a way of living. This being my second year in boarding I have already been through some hard times, but I got through that because of that 3G attitude amongst us boys. Those times of sadness don’t even compare to the times when we get around each other, whether we are out kicking the footy, playing table tennis or just enjoying a good friendly yarn. It makes me proud to be a boarder. 17