Fine Dining Indian Food Magazine Issue 1 - March 2017 | Page 22

Restaurant Of the Month
Restaurant Of the Month


Menu Consist of choice of Small plates selected from all over India . Few of the dishes are quite new to Indian restaurant scene in London . Restaurant is Marketed well and got good reviews from most of London European palette Food critics .
Through out the meal the dishes lacked the Indian Punch . Its not the spicyness . The flavour or aroma that was lacking in majority dishes . Location in London ' s Shaftesbury avenue is a easy to locate and travel . The chef heading the restaurant is trained at the Oberoi hotels and previuosly worked at Benares Indian restaurant .
We Visited Talli joe on December 2016 .
Our policy is to write about the tasting experience after few weeks we dined . That helps us in writing a genuine article as we are not influenced by the immediate distractions we have at the dining Moment .
The stand out dishes were Bebinca and Kochi Beef Fry
Here we go and what we taste at Talli Joe .