Fete Lifestyle Magazine April 2017 Fashion Issue | Page 49

The second step, is to practice “possibility” thinking. Is there a difference between “condition-

driven” and “possibility”

thinking? Most of us limit

ourselves based on what

we think is possible or

what we know how to

make happen. This is

condition-based thinking.

How many people do you

know that are risk-averse?

The opposite of this is

possibility! Think for a

moment about the great

advances in technology,

transportation and

communication (that were

based on dreams!) over

the years. The Wright

brothers dreamt of

humans in flight, Thomas

Edison dreamt of a society

that was not dependent on gas lamps, Henry Ford had a dream of an automobile that the middle class could afford. What if these men stayed limited in conditions and failed to allow themselves to imagine the possibilities that others thought were inconceivable? The questions we ask ourselves allows for this practice. Most of us are used to asking small questions like, “How will I pay my bills this month?” Possibility thinking involves asking more expansive questions like “How can I travel to the south of France and make $10,000 while I am doing it?” It’s easy to see how expansive questions have a totally different energy and invite larger possibilities!

The third step is to notice what you are thinking. The reason for this is that thoughts become things. You cannot direct what thoughts come in, but you can direct what you spend your time focusing on. This is how you create your life by design and NOT default. Design is when you consciously create your life. Default is based on history, conditions and old patterns.

Design involves noticing your thoughts and then asking yourself if they give you energy. If the thoughts are energy draining, change the channel. Just like changing a program on TV. Tell yourself, this thought is not worthy of my time. You may go back and forth with it for a while but awareness is the first step.

If you focus on

thoughts of pain,

hurt and


you will get

more pain hurt



If you chooseto

direct your

thoughts to love,

adventure, comfort

with the unknown, you

will get more love and adventure and fun surprises. This practice can be difficult because we have all been conditioned to think a certain way based on our parent’s beliefs, cultural upbringing and experiences. But we have the ability to design when we notice which of our beliefs and narratives no longer serves us and work to redirect these thoughts. Once you’ve mastered directing your thinking, the sky's the limit for the results in your life!

Sound simple? Don’t confuse simple with easy. Most people have a hard time doing this alone and you don’t have to! Fete Lifestyle readers have a standing special invitation to contact me at [email protected] for a design strategy session where we can get clear on your desires, your dreams and help you lay a path to living the life you love. How much longer do you want to life by default?

Take control, fashion and design your life now!