Fashionline Magazine FASHIONLINE. No. 099 | Page 3


Welcome to Fashionline !


Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at our brand new , relaunch issue . We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together .

As you flick through our pages , you will notice that we have a passion for all things new and as we are a platform for start up businesses and fresh graduates , our love for new , emerging talent , can ’ t be overstated !
In our eyes , these people are our future , and without a platform to showcase them , they can be overlooked in the massive talent pool surrounding us . Fashionline is here to support what we believe is worth showing . We understand that society is changing , and the creatives amongst us are deserving of our attention . From photographers to stylists and designers to artists , those we have worked with are going to take the fashion and art world by storm in the next few years and we couldn ’ t be more delighted that it will be here at Fashionline that you will get to hear about them first .
We may be just another magazine on the shelf , another fashion publication that you flick through at the newsstand , but whether you interact with us for a lifetime or for a few mere seconds , it is our pleasure to bring to you some of the outstanding work that sits unknowingly amongst us . Fashionline is by no means a bible , nothing like Vogue nor Harper ' s Bazaar , what we are though is unique , we are one of only a few out there that is dedicated solely to talent that is currently nameless in the fashion industry . Call us purveyors of the zeitgeist if you will ; we have our finger on the pulse more than any , because we are right at the heart of it , merely just a new talent ourselves .
We all have to start out somewhere and we couldn ’ t think of a better way than through a magazine that is dedicated to all you new starters out there . FL

" our love for new , emerging talent , can ' t be overstated !"

The editor



001 _ FL _ Editor ' s note . indd 1 16 / 02 / 2017 17:10