Farm Horizons Farm Horizons 6/16 | Page 6

Farm Horizons • June 6, 2016 • Page 6 Grangroth’s Holstein herd began with 60 cows, and has grown to 135 cows today. Modern day milking parlors have a lower floor for the person milking the cows, which is easier on one’s knees, hips, and back. It takes 3.5 hours to milk all of the cows with one person milking, and about five to eight minutes to milk each cow. “We start at 5:15 a.m.,” Grangroth noted, with 12 cows being milked at a time. In between, calves are fed. Once the milking is done, the milking parlor needs to be sprayed down and cleaned, along with clean bedding put down. When asked what the worst part of farming is, Grangroth said, “Someone has to be here to milk the cows, even on holidays.” To help with that, he has two full-time employees he can count on, along with part-time help, including his son, Josh. Grangroth added, “The best part of farming is the variety – chopping hay, new calves, and working with the cows. Because I love what I do, I do a better job, which will make me more successful in the long run.” Grangroth’s milk is picked up each day by a truck, and is brought to First District Association in Litchfield, along with milk from more than 1,000 other farmers in a 100-mile radius. Find out what happens to the milk there in a later issue. n Lano Equipment of Norwood, Inc. (952) 467-2181 1015 W. Hwy 212, Norwood Young America 55368