Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #22 January 2016 | Page 43

control of the body. Three demons entered the cell and placed shackles on her, then took her out. There was an incredibly enormous part of the desert that was fenced off with the same type of metal beams the cell building was made of, only curved in a way they created a circle. The walls stretched about three thousand feet in the air. The Huntress was escorted inside. It was full of demons of different sizes, species from a thousand different dimensions. Some of them had shackles on, some didn’t. But all were prisoners. to leave, you have to win.” He folded his arms, a smug look on his face. He snapped his finger and all of the shackles vanished. The guards began to retreat. The Huntress’s voice was incredibly calm, but her eyes glowed with intensity. One of them had turned from Margo’s normal grey eye colour, to a deep green. “What do you wish, Babura?” The Huntress stared at the part of the wall that was right across from her. That part had what resembled box seats that took up around half of the wall in height. A large demon with a long face, skin similar to old bark, and wearing a necklace made of skulls, was sitting there eating. He was taking up almost the entire space, with room for only one demon on each side, huddled in the corners. One was holding a tray, the other a goblet. The demon swallowed and drank from the goblet, then spoke to the prisoners. His voice was not loud, and yet everyone could hear him as if he was standing right next to them. “Alright, for the new ones. This is my domain. You will fight until one of you is left.” He pointed to a large stone that was next to his seat. The stone looked like it was growing out of the ground, and acted as part of the wall. There were symbols in different languages on it. “If you get enough kills in a row without dying, you move up. Obviously not all of you are on this board, these are the top hundred or so.” She looked at him as if he was a random person that asked her for the time. “Leaving.” “No you’re not; I’m the god here. If you want The prisoners looked at each other. The ones that had been there awhile began to advance on The Huntress. When viewed through the eyes of someone that had spent centuries killing and being killed over and over, she looked like easy prey. Most of them presumed she was’t physically strong, and relied on magic tricks. Margo might have been intimidating back on Earth but here she was small. The newer prisoners looked at each other and followed suit. The Huntress smirked. Her voice lowered to a whisper, but now it was the voice everyone could hear as if she was standing right next to them. “If that is your wish.” The Huntress was disinterested. All she wanted was to leave this crowded place. So she grabbed the shackles on her feet and yanked them off, as if she was taking off her socks. She did the same with the ones on her hands before the guards could reach her. “You there!” The demon raised his voice. “What are you doing?” Babura was pleasantly surprised someone knew his name. He laughed in a way that made the very land shake. “What do H