Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #22 January 2016 | Page 26

Quest for Knowledge (Volume 1 of the FirstWorld Saga) Simon’s Pain Somewhere in the past Simon is about to become a father. In the present, his friends need him, but he has abandoned them. Simon’s Pain Simon had been pacing up and down for so long he felt like he had run a marathon. He stopped and stood in the shadows away from the fire and the birthing stone, still angry that neither the women nor the men of the tribe would let him near Ju. Every time he had tried to approach the birthing stone, they had formed a human barrier to stop him. His pleas and attempts at explanation had fallen on deaf ears. The wizards had refused to intervene. Mandred had told him ‘What will be must be,’ while Manfred had seemed paralysed by indecision and deferred to his colleague, citing some sort of non-interference directive. Only Chief Yo had spoken gently to him, in as much fear for his only child as Simon was for his wife. “My wife and son died on the birthing stone. I fear that I may outlive my entire family. It is the law. Leave it to the Medicine Woman. Wa knows what to do.” He had begged Yo to bend the law as he had done previously for his daughter. The old chief had hardened then. Simon suspected that Yo viewed the current situation as karma for his previous misdemeanours. ‘Wa knows what to do’ were his final words on the matter. Even as a student, he had more medical knowledge than all of the members of the tribe put together, including the two wizards. I could help her, if only they would let me. He contemplated drawing Kin Slayer and forcing his way to Ju’s side. More innocents would die. **** Simon had lost track of time. Ju’s labour had been going on for many hours though it seemed more like a lifetime. Ju’s screams of intense pain repeatedly filled the night but were getting weaker with each more frequent contraction. Only the growing darkness hid the flow of blood that gave a new red coating to the birthing stone. The full moon rose over the trees and began a battle of shadows with the roaring fire in the clearing. Ju gave another scream, followed by a series o