Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #13 April 2015 | Page 8

I didn’t go to the talk, because I knew it would be too sad, but I know people who did. One of them told me afterwards, in tears, that it was “like watching a dragon dying.” A great talent has left the world, and because of his absence it is a sadder, greyer place. He may have left us, but he’s left us with a massive legacy. A set of books that have become old friends, that have seen me through dark times, kept me company whilst I was ill, gave me good cheer when sometimes good cheer was lacking. And if it is true that “A man’s not dead while his name’s still spoken” (Going Postal), then Sir Terry Pratchett won’t die, not whilst we have an internet, as GNU Terry Pratchett now exists - http://www.gnuter- PAGE 08 rypratchett.com/ So long Pterry & thanks for all the fish! Terry Pratchett 1948-2015