Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 79

makes us suffer for no reason, and he will use everything for good. No tear is ever wasted. This is not always easy to see, especially if you are in the midst of it. I can look back at so many situations it’s hard to count that I can now see clearly what God was doing and how he is using it now to help others and glorify himself. Our family went through a mental health crisis not long ago. It got very scary and dark, sometimes hopeless and hard to see God in it. But God is good. As we sought God in that time, as we laid down our problems to him he took them and fixed them. Now what we have been called to do by God is share our story to help others that could be battling the same problems and lead them to Christ to help them through it. Even though it was a difficult situation for us, what we get to do with that story now is beautiful. That is how God can work if you let him have the control over every situation in your life, no matter how ugly it is. there. The more you believe that your past disqualifies you from God’s work, the stronger his chains become holding you down. Don’t let him win; don’t let him have strongholds on you and lie’s in your head. I encourage you to cry out to Christ to help you battle through escaping those chains and open your heart to what he wants to do with it. God never allows things Let’s go back to our list from to happen by mistake, but that the bible. The list of the terrible does not mean bad things won’t pasts these people had and see happen or that we won’t make what greatness God made out of the wrong choices. Always the mess they were in. remember that God is with you and knows every intricate detail Noah drank → Noah built an Ark of your past, and loves you and saved mankind unconditionally regardless of it, will always forgive you and will Moses was a murderer → Moses Sometimes what God asks us honor you when you seek after led the Israelites out of slavery to do can be scary - for us per- him. Don’t let another day go by sonally, it was to speak publicly where you are being held down, Samson had long hair and was a about the mental illness strug- instead be set free and join in the womanizer gles we had and have in our dream God has for your live and family. how your past needed to happen Rahab was a prostitute → that way. Became a hero Joshua 1:9 says: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and My name is Danielle Foisy, I am David was an adulterer and a courageous. Do not be fright- a wife, mom and blogger who murderer → Became a Man after ened, and do not be dismayed, loves Christ and following after God’s Heart for the Lord your God is with this plans for me. I write a blog you wherever you go. After I at Elijah was suicidal → Did amaz- read that, it was clear that there which focuses on Marriage, Paring things prophesying in the was a bigger picture. It wasn’t enting and Faith. Lord’s name about my little family’s problems with mental illness; it was about Jonah ran from God → Saved a showing God’s power in being city able to work even in mental illness. So if God is asking to use Peter denied Christ → Peter your past, let him and you will be spread the gospel all over the amazed at how big the picture world really is. Imagine these people allowed their past to define them? Imagine they let it take over who they were? These amazing things would not have been able to happen. I want to end of with some encouragement. If you are being held back by anything that has happened in your past, understand something very clearly: The enemy wants to keep you