Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 70

all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). This complete surrender to praise is an act of ones will and may most often be contrary to personal feelings. Similar to confessing scriptures, this principle also suggests that continual praise stimulates or summons faith. However, it may be difficult for individuals to express praise and thankfulness to God that they or a family member is dying from an incurable disease or is afflicted physically or emotionally in other ways. To do so seems to suggest that God is responsible for the suffering. It is unimaginable to accept that a loving God would be responsible for cruelly inflicting His children with evil. However, individuals have written books documenting testimonies of how submission to praise, regardless of the situation, altered impossible circumstances, surpassing human understanding. Other beliefs about how to affect faith and the future include the teaching that worship is the key to experiencing the presence of God and the presence of God is the foundation for miracles. The Bible explains that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3), and therefore miracles occur as a result of His presence. God is faith Himself and He causes faith to arise in individual hearts according to His will which then results in miracles. There have been well documented occurrences of verified miracles that occurred when God’s presence was ushered in as result of worship. Additionally, religious organizations are beginning to acknowledge and teach about the law of attraction, which is basically a worldly concept of utilizing faith. This ideology teaches that thoughts are the creative elements of the universe. The principles of this law state that whatever happens to us in life happens as a result of our thinking. The Bible agrees with this principle by stating “for as he thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). The theory also suggests that if an individual wants to change current or future circumstances in life they must be aware of the effects of their thoughts. The key to this concept lies with the focus of thought, whether good or bad. According to this theory, individuals can attract things by focusing their thoughts on them, which make it imperative to think good thoughts. Additionally, individuals are taught that if they ask for anything they should believe they already have what they have asked and they will have it, which is similar to teachings in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 11:24). Associating feelings with the belief that they already have what they have asked for, is said to encourage the manifestation of the very thing they desire. There seems to be so many formulas for building faith and acquiring spiritual benefits for life’s circumstances. I have believed them all. I have tried “them all.” These rituals have not yet worked for me. They have not yet worked for many others, because a large portion of Christendom is still powerless and suffering. If it was solely about applying any one of these methods, many more individuals would be experiencing prosperity in all areas of life. There seems to be something missing—a truth key perhaps. I am convinced that these rituals are based on biblical principles and that God has worked miraculously through them, but there is an elusive reason why they do not work for all or all the time. It may be that God does not limit His actions solely to one particular method. The missing key to why these methods have not worked for everyone in every situation may lie in the fact that the miraculous is still subject to the will of God—the Spirit of God who is living, sentient, and who is responsible for the creative process. It is my belief that these observances serve as spiritual germination processes designed to grow spiritual roots that reach deep into the Spirit where the miraculous receives nourishment and strength to push through and into reality. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we have the power to manipulate or change situations solely by reciting a certain form of prayer or chanting scriptures repetitively. Although there is nothing wrong with exercising our faith this way, we should be cognizant that these activities by themselves do not produce the miraculous. God still has a part to play in the process. If we do not submit to this fact, we may become disheartened or resentful if our circumstances do not change as we believed. As Christians we are endowed with authority through the completed works of Jesus. We are