Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 36

royal crowns, but are described like the crowns for athletic competition of Paul’s time. These are earned by our faithful works. Since this is an Olympic year, we There are five crowns mentioned like to watch competitors from in the Bible ( around the world perform with amazing perfection the sporting html). No one who does not events of their expertise. The believe on Jesus for salvation ones who win receive medals will receive any of them because of gold, silver, or bronze. The the words in Hebrews 12:1-8 and other competitors receive nothHebrews 2:7-9 are addressed to ing but the satisfaction of being believers. Only Christians, those honored to compete at Olympic whose faith is in Jesus Christ, level. During Paul’s time, there receive the Crown of Righteous- were many popular sporting ness at the judgment seat of events. Paul refers to runners Christ (2 Timothy 4:8). As joint in an endurance race (Hebrews heirs with Jesus, we inherit this 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, crown because we belong to Galatians 2:2) or a fighter who the Prince of Peace, the King of fights in competition, beating his Kings, Lord of Lords (Romans body into submission (1 Corin8:15-17). When we accepted thians 9:26-27). These illustraJesus as our Savior, this crown tions bring across very important was reserved for us as our spiritual lessons about persereward- a heavenly royal crown. verance in the Christian faith It is about our position before God and living a disciplined life. The in eternity. Believers in Christ laurel crowns of athletic events re ceive it because we are made were made from living branches righteous before our Holy God. which would fade and fall apart Our sins are washed away by over time, but the crowns we His blood, leaving us completely receive for finishing the race set clean, not by anything we do to before us will never fade away (1 earn it (http://www.gotquestions. Corinthians 9:25). org/heavenly-crowns.html). The value of this crown is the price There are four crowns illustrated Jesus paid, making it more valu- with a competition theme. We able than anything in this world. may receive them for our works We also look forward to Jesus’ here on earth as believers: return. This crown is awarded Incorruptible Crown, Crown of at the Judgment Seat of Christ Glory, Crown of Rejoicing, and where our names will be found Crown of Life. Three of them are in the Book of Life (Revelation for special service. 20:10). The Incorruptible Crown is given to those believers who live out Reaping Rewards God’s word daily. This illustration There are other crowns we may uses running in an endurance receive based on the works we race we are set to compete in do here on earth. Curiously, (Hebrews 12:1-2)The Christians these other crowns are not like Paul refers to are very disciplined Kings and Lord of Lords. These are not the physical crowns of royalty, but spiritual crowns we will be given in eternity. about living their Christian faith by following the rules, the teachings of Christ (2 Timothy 2:5) There will be times when it can become very difficult. They are temperate, not giving in to temptation. When we are tempted to say or do things we know are wrong, we are reminded of the value of standing firm in our faith by not caving in to temptation. These believers persevere until Jesus returns (Revelation 3:11) and receive this imperishable crown as their reward (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). Three Crowns for Special Service The Crown of Glory is for those serving Christ as a pastor, missionary, or other leadership form of ministry, which does not fade ( 1 Peter 5:4) Following God’s call to ministry is not easy because it requires servant-leadership. Serving the Lord while leading people in their faith flies in the face of secular leadership. These leaders serve because they are willing to follow God’s call to ministry, not reveling in position or status, rather with humility. They also serve, not to become rich, but trust God for provision of what they need. They set the example of Christian living to those who follow under their leadership. Pastors and missionaries often work in adverse conditions with people who can be very hostile to the Gospel, yet they rejoice when they see someone’s life changed. Interestingly, Paul tells Timothy anyone who wants to become an overseer (pastor) has a very big role to fill (1 Timothy 3:1-5). We must know our call is from God and to follow through with all humility. Those