Faith Filled Family Magazine February 2017 | Page 67

fected by our relationship with Christ . The stronger our relationship with Christ the healthier our other relationships can be . We must seek Him first .
When we find ourselves in a toxic relationship , seeking God first will allow us to see the relationship from His point of view , and it allows us to receive His guidance . Not every relationship survives every season , however there is hope for a toxic relationship provided that both people pursue God and are willing to invest into the relationship . A toxic relationship can change
when we clearly communicate our needs , respectfully ask for what we want , and also propose feasible solutions . If the need is lack of quality time , then we can explain what quality time looks like to us and request a regular amount of quality time . It is unfair to be angry with someone over a need that we have not addressed , even if believe that they “ should just know ” or have common sense . Communication is vital .
A toxic relationship can also change through forgiveness . Unforgiveness festers into bitterness and resentment . Growth is limited when unforgiveness is the constant undercurrent in a relationship . We have the opportunities to ask for forgiveness , and extend forgiveness . To whom much is given much is required . When we are willing to forgive the mistakes of the past , we can move forward into a brighter future . A person can change , but if we hold the past against them , we blind ourselves to their progress and what God is doing in them . Forgiveness is key .