Faith Filled Family Magazine February 2017 | Page 65


Hope For Harmony

disciples I see that Jesus always spoke truth , He was encouraging , He held them accountable , and the held common values .

We were not created to live life alone . We were created for relationship- both with Jesus Christ , and with others . As we grow in our relationship with Jesus , we discover that He is the only One that truly satisfies our souls . He knows how to love us and He understands us because He created us . We are His children and He is our Father . If we do not have a true relationship with Christ , every other relationship in our lives , and also how we treat ourselves will bear the symptoms .

Without a relationship with God we innately know that we are missing something and whether we realize it or not we begin searching to fill that void with other relationships , hobbies or anything that brings some type of satisfaction . Unfortunately the satisfaction does not last because there is no replacement for God ’ s love . Once we have a relationship with God , all of our other relationships have the potential to blossom into godly relationships .
What does a godly relationship look like between two people ? The best example is Jesus Himself . I enjoy reading about Jesus and His time with the disciples because the disciples were imperfect , yet they still had a very close relationship with Jesus . I can relate ! In reading about the
Amos 3:3 asks can two walk together , unless they are agreed ? This does mean that we must agree on everything . It means that we need to agree on core values . The disciples believed that Jesus was the Son of God , that their relationship with Him was worth leaving everything else behind , and they believed in doing the works of Jesus . Their values were the same , although their methods differed . Common values and beliefs are essential to a godly relationship .
My closest friend and I get a long very well because we both value silence and coffee . We can talk for hours or just sit and quietly and read . Far more crucial is that we are both committed to following God and living out our Godgiven purpose . We value our relationship with God , the word of God , and our friendship . Sharing these common values over has allowed us to trust each other as we grow and mature together . We don ’ t agree on our taste in men , food , or movies yet we can talk for hours about family , ministry , music , and random facts . I know that when I go to her for