Faith Filled Family Magazine February 2017 | Page 36

Maybe the person is considerably older or younger than you . Maybe the age discrepancy is making your parents nervous . They may see him or her as closer to their age than closer to yours . This is not to say that people can ’ t be happy and in love while at different seasons of their lives , but often , it is not the ideal situation . There are issues that will inevitably show up in relationships where age is a factor .
These are just some of the issues that can make parents not willing to accept the person you want to marry . Are these good enough reasons to ruin a potentially beautiful marriage with your soul mate ? Not in and of themselves , perhaps . Yet , if there are accompanying issues that correlate , and they have not been resolved , there could be a good reason for it .
Are they just unwilling to let go of you ? Could it be that their reasons don ’ t make sense because what they really want is for the person to just disappear and everything go back to the way it was ? Some parents have a difficult time realizing their son or daughter is growing up . The thought of you moving and beginning a new life away from home can be very challenging for parents – especially if they have not learned to let go .
Do your parents question your fiancé ’ s spiritual beliefs ? It is possible to have a successful marital relationship with an unbeliever . And what a beautiful story that could turn out to be if you were the one who led your spouse to Christ through your example . It does happen . However , it is not advisable . Your parents are not likely interested in the possibility of you converting your future spouse .
They would be concerned about the possibility that instead of you leading your partner to faith in Christ , that your partner may lead you away from faith . That is the risk involved with becoming entangled with someone of a different faith background . This is a very legitimate and understandable concern . Your soul is the most precious commodity you have .
It is wise to take care that your future spouse is just as concerned about your soul as you are , as well as their own . God can work within a relationship where one or both partners do not know Him . He just does not want us to become one with someone in whose heart He will never be welcomed into . Only God knows the person ’ s heart , we do not .
The Bible is very clear about how we should choose the relationships we enter into .
2nd Corinthians 6:14 says ,
“ Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers . For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness ? And what communion has light with darkness ?” ( NKJV ).
As stated , a person ’ s past does not have to define their present or their future . However , your parents do not know that person the way they know you .
Maybe with time and communication , everyone can come to understand each other ’ s points of view . Your parents have lived longer and as a result have gained wisdom and direction from God that only comes from experience . It could be that their resistance is wrapped up in their not wanting you to have their experience . Maybe it was hard , and therefore , they want much better for you .
Should You Marry Anyway ?
To be or not to be – the bride ? That is the question you have to ask yourself . How badly do you want this to happen ? Do you want it badly enough to risk damaging your relationship with your parents and other members of the family ? There may be other family members who agree with your parents and don ’ t want you to marry this individual . Do you move forward anyway ? Will you look back on your wedding day and feel happy and at peace with your decision to wed , despite your parents ’ lack of support ?
Or , later in life , will you regret having married this person ? Will you think back and remember how unwavering your parents were and wish you would have listened to them ? How do you know what to do ? The answer is found in scripture and in prayer .
Proverbs 3:5-6 says ,
“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and lean not on your own understanding ; in all your ways acknowledge Him , and He shall direct [ a ] your paths .” ( NKJV )