Faith Filled Family Magazine February 2017 | Page 15

With all the struggles we face in the world today , this book is refreshing in finding our connection and empowerment . Craving connections discusses how your life could be different if you prayerfully connected with God , friends , and your community .

Craving Connection is a book wherein ( in ) courage writers share real-life stories combined with scriptural applications that will challenge you to view your world differently .
Tell us about yourself and your background . My name is Anna Rendell , and I am the Social Media Coordinator at ( in ) courage .
I have three kids ( ages 5 , 2 and 1 ), have been married to my husband Jared for nearly 10 years , and we live just south of the metro in Minnesota . My background is in youth &
family ministry , social media for churches , and writing encouragement for moms .
I found ( in ) courage over 7 years ago when I was in a very lonely season , and have been a part of the community ever since !
What do you want readers to learn from Craving Connection ? First off , I hope the readers of Craving Connection realize that they are not alone in the pursuit of real friendships . That they are not the only ones who have struggled with developing and maintaining friends . That they are not the only women who have been hurt by other women . None of us are alone in this !
Second , I pray that the readers feel a stirring for deeper connection within their community , within their friendships , and within their relationship with the Lord .
These three bonds are so important for women , and most of
our cravings for real connection begin in one ( or more ) of these three spaces .
Do you think people are craving connection now more than in the past ? Why ? I do . There is real and true value in the friendships we cultivate online . During the loneliest time in my life , online friendships were my lifeline . For various reasons it wasn ’ t feasible for me to nurture ‘ real life ’ relationships , and the friends I made via the Internet helped to see me through some dark times . But nothing beats face-to-face connection . I think sometimes we feel like we ’ re fulfilling our cravings for connection with our online friends , but we all need to live in our communities and create lasting friendships as well . In this time of smartphones , Twitter and filtered timelines , our cravings for connection may be stronger than ever because they only get half-met .
You talk about how fear holds us back ; why is it important to