Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 47

The hearers knew the speakers did not know the language in which they were speaking . Some accused the disciples of drunkenness . Now the disciples had a decision to make : should they allow the darkness to rule and let the listeners think they were drunk , or clarify the situation and let truth prevail ? Peter chose the latter . “ These people are not drunk , as you suppose . It ’ s only nine in the morning ! 16 No , this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel .” Then he went on to say , “ God has made this Jesus , whom you crucified , both Lord and Messiah ” ( Acts 2 ). After
he spoke , about 3,000 people give their lives to the Lord . Peter let his light shine to clear up the confusion / darkness about what the Jews had witnessed . He spoke the truth with power , conviction and courage . Peter provided one example of how to let our light shine .
When people around us misunderstand the truth of God ’ s word , it ’ s up to us to set the record straight . That means that we must continue to study the word so that we have clarity ourselves . Whenever we use the gifts God gave us to clarify his truths , we bring knowledge to ignorance and light to dark places .
The movie “ War Room ” tells the story of Ms . Clara , a widow selling her home who develops a friendship with the realtor . During a tour of her home , Ms . Clara shows the realtor her prayer room . On the walls are prayer requests , dates and praise reports . Through this movie , the audience learns the power of prayer in relationships , parenting , careers and more . While characters in the movie could have succumbed to the darkness , this movie provides a Bible-based alternative . Steven Kendrick and Alex Kendrick decided to use their screenwriting skills to tell the story of how one woman ’ s practice of prayer affects the lives of those around her removing the darkness from their relationships and lives . The Kendrick ’ s have used their skills and talents to address several layers of dark-