Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 14



It ’ s Monday morning . Sarah wakes up groggy as usual , struggling to open her eyes at the sound of the alarm clock . She knows she should rise quickly as every minute she delays extends her time driving in traffic . She finishes up the chapter from the book of Matthew for the morning , and then she instinctively navigates her way on her smartphone to the social media icon . She needs her morning fix of news and gossip posted overnight , but she knows she will only be wasting precious time by perusing the hashtags and scrolling through the pictures . She can ’ t help herself though , and twenty-five minutes later she realizes she has done it again and rushes out of bed to get ready for work .

It is an early morning for Marshall as he sits at work in front of his computer . He arrived an hour early to implement a network change for an agency on the other side of the globe . He sits dazed , fatigued from another late night of video games , barely able to focus on the task at hand . He knew he should have gone to sleep earlier last night , but his friends egged him on , challenging him to another mission on the battlefield . Across from him sits Nathan , who is also a bit on the exhausted side , except his tiredness is due to the newborn at home . He sips another drink of coffee from his second cup of the morning . The doctor said he shouldn ’ t be drinking so much coffee anymore as his advanced kidney disease could be worsened by consuming the stimu-