Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 12

he realized she knew the truth and would no longer accept his behavior , he panicked and lost control . He took her hostage at gunpoint to keep her from leaving .
While he was in the hospital recovering from his self-inflicted gunshot wound , more lies came to light . Tracie went back and forth between guilt and knowing that she had to make changes to keep her and Anna safe . She struggled to parent , work , repair their rental home , and simply make it through another day . Her family lived in another state , and Tracie didn ’ t have a support network . She had stopped attending church a year before . Embarrassed by her situation , she found it too painful to be around other people . She ’ d been the only breadwinner in their household for most of their marriage , and now had to deal with secret debts that Don had been racking up for years .
Against doctor ’ s orders , Don checked himself out of the hospital and broke his restraining order . The police became involved again . Tracie filed for a legal separation . She struggled with the stresses of trying to reassure her daughter , keep her job , and find a new place to live . She had no idea what the future would bring . A couple of weeks passed , and she felt an urge to go to church . She and Anna visited a church they ’ d never been to before . When she walked through the doors , she was greeted by a petite older lady who looked her in the eyes and smiled at her with intention .
Tracie noticed the intention and found it unsettling . She didn ’ t have the energy to linger and quickly ushered her daughter forward and sat down . They settled into the pew and as the service started , Tracie could feel someone staring at her . She turned around , only to see the same gray-haired lady smiling at her and sitting right behind her and Anna . She was startled and thought , “ How odd .” She was relieved when the praise music started and made it a point not to turn around again . The message that day was about the darkest times in life and how God doesn ’ t intend for us to face them alone . The pastor asked those who were facing difficult struggles to come forward , so they could be prayed for . As the congregation stood , Tracie glanced back and was startled to see the same little lady now standing right beside her .
“ Are you going forward ?” The lady asked .
“ Yes .” “ Good . I thought you might .”
This little lady pressed in beside Tracie and Anna . She walked up to the front of the church with them and prayed for them . Tracie couldn ’ t speak but rested into the comfort of intercessory prayer . Later , the lady connected Tracie with a Christian organization that is now providing her and her daughter with a free place to live .
The organization also provides free daycare for Anna , counseling , and other resources . This same little lady , whose name is Dorothy , also contacted men in her church who began interceding with Tracie ’ s husband . Their involvement led to a decrease in his attempts to contact her , and eventually , they confronted him about his mental illness . This led to him being hospitalized again so he couldn ’ t hurt Tracie , Anna , or anyone else .
Today , Tracie attends church regularly , and Dorothy — who at first glance appeared so petite and even frail — has proven to be Tracie ’ s strongest advocate and spiritual mentor . Dorothy later shared that she knew before Tracie even walked into the church that Tracie would need prayer , encouragement , and practical help . The Holy Spirit was specific in what was revealed to Dorothy and when , and Dorothy pressed in obediently . When we are in our darkest hours , God will go to great lengths to speak to us ,
“ I see you . You are not alone .”
He knows what we need when we are so overwhelmed that we can ’ t even speak our needs . And he is intentional with those he puts into motion on our behalf .
If a fellow believer had quoted Psalms 9:9 to Tracie , “ The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed , a refuge in times of trouble ,” this word of truth may have offered comfort to her . Or perhaps a Christian who had walked through similar circumstances might have offered words of wisdom : biblical or practical . But our omniscient God knew that what Tracie needed surpassed a word of wisdom , and he knew the need