eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 80

HopeTour.org "Through Fait h & Bel ief " Bringing hope and inspirat ion t hrough emot ional support , encouragement and invol vement . Our mission is t o reach out t o chil dren deal ing wit h il l ness, al so f ost er care programs, t o get t o know, support , encourage, and int eract wit h t hem. More det ail s... in visit ing chil dren hospit al s, we woul d bring singers, act ors, direct ors and execut ives t o not onl y share t heir t al ent and skil l s, but al so t o get t he chil dren t o int eract wit h t hem. The chil dren might share a song, or co-direct a skit wit h a direct or or act or. They coul d share t heir dreams, and we woul d show t hem t he next st ep & making dreams become real it y. Wit h t he f ost er kids, we woul d be invol ved wit h serveral very credibl e est abl ished organizat ions. We woul d meet wit h a group of f ost er kids and t ake t hem out t o various sport s act ivit ies, l ike t ennis or racket bal l .We woul d int eract wit h and get t o know t hem. We woul d t each t hem skil l s and give t hem advice on l if e.