eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 66

MISSION STATEMENT "Just Music Nat ion (J.M.N)/ Universal " wil l capit al ize on t he growing ent ert ainment market across t he worl d t hrough t he product ion and promot ion of high qual it y ent ert ainment . Locat ed in Orange Count y, Cal if ornia t he company wil l become highl y prof it abl e t hrough t he sal e of pre-recorded music product (compact discs/ USB's & Onl ine Down Loads), in addit ion t o revenues generat ed f rom ancil l ary prof it cent ers. "J.M.N" - Produces and promot es mainst ream Pop, Dance, EDM and R&B. As t he widest music market , "J.M.N" Music Team have audit ioned and sel ect ed art ist s who we wil l design and provide creat ive and ef f ect ive market ing f or our art ist s. As music is being produced in st udio, promot ion and market ing st rat egies wil l be f ormul at ed. It is crucial t hat t he market ing pl an f or each new rel ease is in mot ion several weeks bef ore t he product is compl et ed in st udio f or a art ist . Market ing promot ers, radio promot ions, Int ernet sit es, broadcast videos, dance cl ub promot ions, in-st ore/ co-op promot ions and promot ions t o t he general publ ic t hrough print , video and t el evision mediums. In everyt hing we do, we are commit t ed t o art ist ry, innovat ion and ent repreneurship. As digit al t echnol ogy ref ashions t he worl d, our unmat ched commit ment t o l ead in devel oping new services, pl at f orms and business model s f or t he del ivery of music and rel at ed cont ent empowers innovat ors and al l ows new commercial and art ist ic opport unit ies t o f l ourish. "J.M.N" - Knowing t hat music, a powerf ul f orce f or good in t he worl d, is unique in it s abil it y t o inspire peopl e and bring t hem t oget her. "WE ARE JUST MUSIC NATION (J.M.N) / UNIVERSAL" SINCERELY, CEO - PAULA CASAS CEO - ERIC ZULEY "EZ" 64. eZWay & JMN Universal Gives Back