eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 51

What is eZWay.t v and why shoul d you subscribe t o it ? For over 12 years eZ Way.t v has been collecting a library of content consisting of celebr it y events, fundraisers, fashion show s, spor ts, exclusive inter view s, R ed carpets, insightful inter view s and m uch m ore. Er ic Z uley Founder of eZ Way Broadcasting a net work that houses eZ Way.t v, radio and m agazine and was for m ally W T V N et works and cur rently is W hat U N eed T V a You Tube channel w ith over 14 m illion viewers and 7 k subscr ibers. Er ic Z m et A r turo Brenes founder of D igi Tek M edia Group, a graphics and production com pany, through Bogar t a fr iend of R yan Tor res. Er ic and A r turo realized that their work ethics and dr ive was very sim ilar and they have equal goals and objectives, so they decided to par tner and create a professional I PT V Ser ver based net work that w ill have num erous channels. eZ Way.t v w ill have its ow n cable box and w ill be accessible via the eZ Way app and website. Er ic Z uley throughout the years collected hundred of thousands hours of good content. eZ Way.t v w ill now be broadcasting live r ight to their shooting. 2016 is the year to really do som ething w ith it besides give it all to youtube. So in shor t eZ Way.t v and D igi Tek M edia Group we w ill be giving you the the best qaulit y program m ing you w ill be proud to share w ith your fr iends. 48.