Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 22 | страница 9

Our commitment to “Empowering Extraordinary Health®” drives us forward. 2. Traceability is Key Knowing where each and every ingredient in our products comes from and getting to know each and every source: where it’s grown; the farming practices; how they pay and treat the farm workers—everything is a key priority. Developing a fully traceable raw material supply chain is a massive, complex undertaking. Take a multivitamin product: the carton says there are 25 or so vitamins and minerals, but that’s 25 different materials! Each one requires up to ten other ingredients to manufacture them. Then there’s manufacturing, capsule and tablet ingredients, bindings, coatings and more. There could be over 100 different ingredients from 100 suppliers, and that’s just one product. We have over 150 unique formulas! 3. Use Recognized Third-Party Inspections CERTIFIED USDA ORGANIC: There’s only one way to know if a product is truly organic: verification by an independent third party to meet the USDA’s rigorous requirements. Look for the Certified USDA Organic seal on the front of the package. No seal? Then it’s not really USDA Organic. I’ve found that the only way to ensure that Garden of Life is and remains clean is through organic. Organic costs more; that’s why most companies don’t do it. But we do. We write long-term contracts with our family farmers so they can sell their crops at a fair price to cover the increased costs of growing organic. We don’t pass those increased costs along to our customers. NON-GMO PROJECT VERIFIED: Today